There was once a time when any kid could say 'Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.'
But those kids now have kids of their own. The challenge was to make the iconic Big Mac Chant popular with a whole new generation.
We handed the chant over to today's kids and asked them to show us their take on it.
But those kids now have kids of their own. The challenge was to make the iconic Big Mac Chant popular with a whole new generation.
We handed the chant over to today's kids and asked them to show us their take on it.

Over four weeks, the microsite received 490,000 unique visits, 536 video entries, and we gave away over 500,000 Big Mac vouchers.
Over four weeks, the microsite received 490,000 unique visits, 536 video entries, and we gave away over 500,000 Big Mac vouchers.

For a user-generated content campaign, the entries were of a surprisingly high standard. Here are some of the winning entries.